this post was originally named pear shaped thursday, such has been the start to it,
involving thus far:
hideous dog disasters on the carpet
resulting in time delays for morning rush to school
work phone calls requiring immediate attention
resulting in further time delays to a scheduled site measure
another phone call to collect sick son from school sick bay
resulting in cancelling the delayed scheduled site measure
but, on the upside:
i did swing by the post office on the way back from second school visit to collect my order from habu, nyc. wheeee.
tend to sick child who appears now to be perfectly fine
send him back to school so i can start a new knitting project
actually do some work that desperately needs attention.
hmm. a tricky one.
postscript: a gorgeous article on my favourite japanese/australian designer, akira isogawa, in today's The Age, as part of Melbourne's Spring Fashion Week.
his description about his work is wonderful: "you must recognise that space between the skin and the body changes when the textile is loose...i try to be honest... cover the body in a flattering way..."
things i inherently agree with and humbly aspire to.